School Uniform
School Uniform Requirement for all Children
- White polo shirts*
- Navy Blue sweatshirt*, cardigans* or fleeces* (no hoodies)
- Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses
- Socks and any tights should be grey, black or white
- Blue and white gingham dresses in the summer
- Black school shoes
* These items can be plain or have our school logo on. The branded uniform can be purchased from Baldwin's store in Halstead. Details below. All uniform can be purchased from supermarkets or high street shops.

PE Kit:
- Coloured T-shirt for house (ask school if you are unsure of the house, these are available at Baldwins)
- Plain black shorts or plain black jogging/tracksuit bottoms (no logos/brand names)
- Trainers (not plimsolls) - Velcro straps, not laces, for younger children
- Socks should be grey, black or white
- Plain black tracksuit top in colder months – optional
We do not recommend plimsolls for PE as they do not provide enough support for the range of physical activities children participate in. We recommend children keep their PE kit in school and it will be sent home at the end of each half-term for washing.
All uniform can be ordered from Baldwin's store in Halstead. Follow the link below.