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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Under the new legislation the process of determining and supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities has changed and in response to this we have added this page to our website to enable us to post updates, add attachments and provide links to further support and services.

Essex County Council has produced its ‘Local Offer’ for children and families and is available through their website portal:

Originally schools were also asked to produce a ‘schools offer’, this has now been renamed as the school’s ‘SEND Information Report’, and our full version is available in PDF form at the bottom of this page.

The following extract is from the beginning of our SEND Information Report and encapsulates our position as a small school and the support we can offer:

At St John the Baptist Primary School we strive to provide a safe and caring environment where all pupils have a passion for learning and creativity. We value the contributions made by all children, professionals and parents to help enhance and maintain our inclusive school community. We invite families to work with us in order to ensure and nurture their children’s enjoyment, success and independence - unlocking their learning potential together. It is important for us to know all our children well and to address any additional needs as early as possible in order to break down barriers to learning.

Please contact the school and talk to our Headteacher or our SENCO, Mrs. Jenny Jinks

In the past few years we have worked closely with LA specialist teachers to support children with Hearing Impairment, Down Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and Global Learning Delay.

PINS Project

We are working closely with Essex to develop our knowledge of children with neurodiversity, this includes a wide range of children. We are doing workshops with teachers and parents, training on Emotional School Based Avoidance and were even able to experience 'Life with Autism' on a simulation bus. All resources that we use will be published below.

Neurodevelopmental Diversity: What Every School and Parent Need to Know


Any parent in Essex can ask for a hard copy of this to be sent to them for free or use the link





Information and advice



National Autistic Society

The ADHD Foundation

Learning Disability Matters  

Contact (for families of disabled children)


Psychology in Schools Team Free Workshops Eventbrite page - book onto live upcoming mental health workshops

Parent workshops | Norfolk and Suffolk NHS – to watch recorded workshops



From our childhood neurodiversity series


From our mental health series…